Thursday, May 28, 2009


So I was finished for the fall on April 28. Now I've been traveling and working as a sub for a month, but their school is ending so, so is my job. Now i'm starting summer school on Monday and am trying to find a job but i can only work during June. Ya.. No one wants to hire someone for a month. The job i think/hope/praying i get for June is at Grand Station. It has mini golf, bowling, laser tag, pretty much all the fun stuff :)

Good things about working there:
1. always going to be entertained (hopefully there will be people falling down)
2. my friend Garrett is working there too
3. 1/2 off food
4. I wont have to dress up
5.  Hopefully I'll get to see more of my 5th graders!!

Story about 5th graders:

I worked at Mitchell Elementary in Bryan 2 days a week this Spring and fell in love with about 75 5th graders, when i went to apply at grand station, i saw one of my girls!! we did a running hug!! it was so much fun! she was one of my favorites, yes i have favorites. i would post some pictures so you can see how cute they all are, but thats highly illegal and i dont like jail.

the students i'm subbing for are about to come in, so i'll post again tomorrow when im on lunch break! :)