Wednesday, June 24, 2009

These are a few of my favorite things...

ice cold coke on a hot day = amazing.
ryan taking me out to dinner, also amazing

a cold beer on a friday night :)
toes in the sand

flowers.. duh.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Summer Reading

I have been reading alot, and I love it. Here are some of them, the reasons why i like them and my rating of each one :)

1. My Sister's Keeper By Jodi Picoult

rating 10

I loved this one, it was full of controversy. A 13 year old girl wants the rights of her body, she was made to be a donor for her sister. I wont tell you anymore because you have most likely seen preview for the movie. I love that in this book, every chapter is told from someone else's point of veiw. I listened to it on a trip with a girlfriend and we would stop it every so often and just talk about what we would have done, and what we think about the characters. It was so so so amazing, but I warning you, I cried HARD the last few chapters, so bring tissues.

2. In Search of Eden By Linda Nichols

rating 10

This one was also amazing. A girl has a baby when she is 16 and her mom arranges for a closed adoption. After her mother dies the girl goes looking for the baby she never knew and finds more than she wanted. It was a little hard to get into because, like My Sister's Keeper, its told from different points of view, but unlike My Sister, your not sure how the characters fit together. But once they fit together, its amazing and again I cried the last few chapters, not as hard, but it was still an amazing ending to a great and wonderful book.

3. The Secret Life of Cee Cee Wilkes by Diane Chamberlain

rating 10

Another book that is wonderful. This one is full of controversy as well. Cee Cee is like anyother girl who falls hard for an older man and gets herself in to trouble. to keep herself save, she has to live a lie for the rest of her life. You are reading it knowing that she is doing the best thing, the best way she can but its hard and you really feel for this girl. The book is amazing and you really see a girl grow up.

4. Love in the Present Tense By Catherine Ryan Hyde

rating 6.5

This one was about a boy whos mother was on the run from the cops, so he gets dumped on the neighbor who raises the boy as hes own. Its a sweet book, how the relationship grows with the years for the two boys, but it wasnt amazing.

5. Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

rating 9

its amazing!!! they meet, they fall in love! its the most amazing love story.

6. New Moon by Stephenie Meyer

rating 8

I'm upset, he leaves.

7. Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer

rating 9

I'm happy, he is back and he loves her even more and there is happiness!

8. Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer

rating 10

There is love and babies and its a perfect fairytail ending.

Sorry, I didnt think that you needed to know everything I thought about the Twilight Series, you probably already have read them, and if you havent you need to. :)

Thursday, June 4, 2009


I love summer days that i can watch a really good movie for the 100th time. I have about 50 dvds. i have VHSs too but i dont have a VHS player at my house in college station, so old, great movies are at my parent's house in houston. those movies are mostly disney. they are wonderful and will never get old. ever.

but the movies i keep here with me are wonderful as well. my favorites are movies that my boyfriend doesnt enjoy. but thats why i dont watch most of them with him. by the way, today we have been dating for 3 years.

top 10: (in no order)
Stranger than Fiction

Little Miss Sunshine

When Harry met Sally

In Her Shoes

Mona Lisa Smile

Erin Brockovich

Sleepless in Seattle

Stick It

You've Got Mail

Donnie Darko

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Happy Place

These are things that make me happy happy happy

1. kittens... this one i found by the pool than i found it a home

2. puppies

3. trains

4. really good books

5. watching TV with friends and drinking wine

6. date nights
7. my new phone
8. basketball games with paul, julie and james
9. getting new paint
10. the dog park