I should be posting pictures of the 7 weddings I went to this summer, but I don't have the time! So here is my favorite one from the wedding of Shannon Smith and Tyler Hitt. This wedding was awesome for a few reasons, one of course because these two belonged to the group of friends I ran around with in college, but also because they are just amazing together. This was one of my favorite weddings! They are moving to OK city (sad) but Tyler's sister and Shannon's family live in my area! So yay!!
I have been busy teaching 5th grade. My kids are crazy!! But that makes it fun and always interesting. On Friday one of my girls was upset at another little girl and was telling me she really wanted to hit someone, or something. I told her to hit my hand, and I held it up for her. Two of my boys put their hands on top of mine saying "No Ms. Feldman, she'll hurt you!! " They were very scared for me! AW!! They are the greatest!! Okay, One more picture from another awesome wedding! This is Andrew (in the Pink) He was Ryan's roommate at UT for a year. He married the beautiful Tatum. I had never met her before and told him "Andrew, she's BEAUTIFUL!!" He told me "Hee hee, I tricked her!" Haha, wonderfully fun wedding!